
FirstRate5 LIVE: Modelling Multi-Dwelling Projects

FirstRate5 LIVE: Modelling Multi-Dwelling Projects
6 CPD Technical


FirstRate5 LIVE: Modelling Multi-Dwelling Projects 

Session one : 30/05/2024 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (AEST)
Session two : 07/06/2024/2024 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (AEST)

Eight hours (2 x 4 hours) of small group interactive FirstRate5 training... live online

Learn how to ace modelling multi-dwelling projects in FirstRate5 in this two part live online tutorial series with QA Master, David Canciello.

Note: There are two separate four hour sessions to this CDP. The first on Thursday 30 May and the second on Friday 7 June. To complete this course, you will need to attend both sessions. Also note that live workshops are not recorded.

What previous attendees say

  • Definitely worth the money for two sessions and the chance to ask practice questions. Highly recommended. (Gavin M)
  • Thanks for organising the two FirstRate5 Live sessions. I got a lot out of this format of training delivery. Having a small group and being able to ask and discuss questions or problems directly has huge benefits for all who participated. Appreciate David’s expertise and ability to pinpoint the documentation that shows the answers to our queries. Again, due to the small group, the longer time and the Live format, the sessions developed into a comfortable and open discussion rather than a lecture.  Definitely worth participating. (Margaret T)

Tutorial Session One (Demonstration) - Thursday 30 May 12.00pm-4.00pm

In the first four-hour live and interactive tutorial, follow along as David demonstrates the modelling of a multi-dwelling project showing tips, tricks and shortcuts that will have you modelling more complex elements like a pro in no time.

During this interactive tutorial, you will have ample opportunity to have your questions answered and any grey areas clarified.

Tutorial Session Two (Practical + Q&A) - Friday 7 June 12.00pm - 4.00pm

We will return in a follow up four-hour live tutorial one week after the first demonstration and this is where you get to consolidate your new found knowledge by putting it into practice.

We will email you the demonstration drawings so you can upload into FirstRate5 and follow along as David once again leads you through the modelling exercise.

Once again, this will be an interactive tutorial where you can have your questions explained and demonstrated to ensure your best learning experience.


Participation Requirements

MUST HAVE - Active camera and mic are necessary for participation in the FirstRate5 Live interactive demonstration and tutorial series.

Minimum of 32 gig of RAM on your PC/Laptop to enable uploading the necessary background drawings into FR5.



Registrations are limited to 10 participants per FirstRate5 Live series. Register early to secure your place.

Members: $350 (covering 8 hours of small group training and 4 NatHERS Technical CPD points)

Non-Members: $495



6 x NatHERS Technical CPD Points for attendance and participation at both sessions.


Presenter David Canciello

Davita Consulting Director, David Canciello brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for sharing that knowledge with his industry peers.

An Accredited NatHERS FirstRate5 Assessor since 2001, David has worked with a large Sustainability organisation on projects ranging in diversity from small residences to large multi residential developments.

With broad and practical problem solving skills coupled with his strong technical background, those who have attended trainings with David find his calm and matter of fact presenting style both engaging and impactful.

With over 11 years as a Quality Assurance Reviewer, David brings first hand insights into the areas where skills gaps are prevalent and where Assessors struggle the most and covers these issues thoroughly during his trainings.

David holds a Diploma and Architectural Drafting and Design, is an Accredited NatHERS Assessor and accomplished coach.


