
From 6 stars, to 7 star WoH, to True Zero Carbon: Part 5

From 6 stars, to 7 star WoH, to True Zero Carbon: Part 5
1 CPD NatHERS Technical

How to take your plans as far as you (& the clients) want to go down a low carbon pathway...
Part 5: True Zero Carbon and the average home - is it possible with onsite energy generation and storage?

25/06/2024 | 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM (AEST) 

We look at energy generation and offsetting. We explore both Net Zero outcomes and True Zero possibilities. How far can we take things? Is a true zero carbon house product possible and how can it be done?

Using our average home plan, improved over the previous four webinars, we look at how much energy it is now predicted to use compared to the average home, and what size solar PV panels would be needed to meet its operational energy use and achieve a Net Zero outcome.

We then look at its upfront embodied carbon, and look at options, and considerations, for offsetting this carbon 'debt'. Is it possible, and is it practical to make the average home, True Net Zero?

We will:
· Look at how to size PV for Net Zero energy outcomes
· Discuss what to consider and include when specifying a PV system
· Show how to use a PV template to collect and specify the information needed for a smooth NatHERS assessment
· Look at the future of Vehicle to House integration, and the idea of house-as-powerhub, and
· Look at credible offsetting strategies for True Zero outcomes.

This is the final webinar in a five-part webinar series by Jeremy Spencer that’s essential viewing for Building Designers who want to find out what’s required under the new NCC 2022 provisions which come into effect on 1 May 2024. DMN strongly recommends purchasing the 5-part package and watching these webinars in chronological order, for maximum impact.

This series of webinars was formerly called: NCC 2022 is here. Learn, Adapt & Thrive in 5 weeks. From NatHERS Fail to True Zero Carbon: How to take your plans as far as you (& the clients) want to go down a low carbon pathway.

Follow DMN member Jeremy Spencer as he shows how theory can be practically applied to make any project as low carbon and energy efficient as you care to take it.

About this series: 6 Stars, to 7 Star Whole-of-Home, to True Zero Carbon. How to take your plans as far as you (& the clients) want to go down a low carbon pathway...

This is the fifth and final part of a five-part webinar series that IS NOT looking at the perfect passive solar design. It follows an 'average' home that currently rates 6 stars in NatHERS. A home in the suburbs with average orientation. A home with average overshadowing from neighbours and trees. We then see how far we can take this 'average' home on a low carbon journey, to turn it:
· First, into a NatHERS 7-star Whole of Home pass
· Then to a Net Zero operational energy home and
· Then to a True Zero outcome (where the embodied carbon 'debt' is also minimised & paid off).

The five webinars run the plans through each of the 5 Steps on the SBA Roadmap to Net Zero Homes:
STEP 1: Good Design
STEP 2: Low Impact Material Specification
STEP 3: Performance Construction
STEP 4: Efficient Appliance Specification
STEP 5: Energy Generation and Offsetting

Webinars in this five-part series can be purchased individually for $44 by DMN members, or $88 by non-members; or as a five-part package for $189 by DMN members, or $378 by non-members, a saving of $31 for DMN members and $62 for non-members.


Jeremy Spencer | Positive Footprints

For almost 20 years, Jeremy has been a registered builder, energy rater and director at design and build company Positive Footprints. Positive Footprints has won multiple awards for sustainability from Design Matters National, MBAV, HIA, and the National Sustainability Awards for which he is now a judge. His company has worked to show that energy-efficient sustainable design and Net-Zero homes are a cost-effective option and can be a mainstream reality.  Jeremy is founding member of Builders Declare, a group dedicated to raising the standard of building practice, and currently sits on the Design Matters National Board, the Sustainability TASC, and the NatHERS Stakeholder Consultative Group.



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