
The success of Design Matters National is due largely to the solid foundations established by the Association’s Founding Members in 1983

Today, our Past Presidents continue to be active members of Design Matters National and provide an incredible wealth of knowledge and guidance to support our Board of Directors.

They serve as an important reminder of our rich history.

The beginning

An historical recount contributed by Brian S Huntley
BDAV Member Number 16 joined March 1983

“In the latter part of the 1970s and early 1980s, I had a number of discussions with a man by the name of Rob Parker who ran a drafting service at Woodend. The discussions centred around the formation of a Building Designers Association….” continue reading


The Constitution and Rules of Design Matters National Limited, bind our members to ensure honourable and professional practice within the Building Design sector.

Constitution 2022 

CoM Voting instructions

Proxy Form

Annual General Meetings

Code of Conduct