InspoExpo Weathertex

InspoExpo Weathertex
Australia’s Leading Supplier of Timber Weatherboards for Homes. Australian owned and manufactured with a better than zero carbon footprint, Weathertex‘s timber cladding is the ideal solution for any builder, architect or designer in search for environmentally conscious and high quality material. All Weathertex products are made from, without any chemical additives, certified state forest or private hardwoods in Australia. Sustainability and durability being at the forefront of all products ensures Weathertex delivers natural, long lasting, eco friendly timber products to customers in Australia and around the world. Weathertex’s timber product is the only product of its kind in the world, containing absolutely no artificial glues or binders. Weathertex’s ability to remain transparent and demonstrate social and environmental responsibility proved to be important for customers and how much they trust in a company.
Release Date
October, 2021