In the quest for a greener future, retrofit design for commercial buildings has emerged as a pivotal strategy. With commercial buildings responsible for a staggering 60% of the city's greenhouse gas emissions, the City of Melbourne is leading the charge to transform and retrofit these structures, steering the municipality towards the ambitious goal of net zero emissions by 2040.

The urgency of this mission is underscored by the need for major upgrades and refurbishments in almost 80 Melbourne buildings each year. Such initiatives are not merely about reducing carbon footprints but are also about creating healthier and more sustainable workplaces. The comprehensive Retrofit Melbourne plan aims to accelerate the current retrofit rate and is a testament to the city's commitment to environmental sustainability.

Retrofit Melbourne

Developed in partnership with industry stakeholders, Retrofit Melbourne is the City of Melbourne’s detailed strategy to support commercial building retrofits. This plan builds on the success of the 1200 Buildings program and reflects two years of extensive consultation with industry and the community. It sets out 11 initiatives designed to enhance the rate of commercial building retrofits, categorised into four key work streams: advocacy, information and support, enabling mechanisms, and regulation.

The role of building designers

Building designers, renowned for their expertise and problem-solving skills, play a crucial role in this transition. Their involvement ensures that retrofit projects are not only environmentally sound but also aesthetically and functionally superior. The opportunity for building designers to engage with initiatives like Retrofit Melbourne allows for a collaborative approach to achieving sustainability goals.

Engagement and learning opportunities

To further this cause, Design Matters National is hosting an event featuring Krista Milne, Co-Chief Heat Officer and Director of Climate Change and City Resilience at the City of Melbourne. Krista will present an overview of Retrofit Melbourne, detailing its initiatives and the collaborative efforts involved. Following the presentation, DMN members will have the opportunity to engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute their insights on how Melbourne can achieve its target of retrofitting 80 buildings annually.

Krista brings over 25 years of experience in climate action, environmental policy, and corporate sustainability to her role. As Co-Chief Heat Officer, she works alongside global counterparts to implement strategies that protect communities from extreme heat and enhance Melbourne's resilience to climate change. Her leadership in developing world-leading initiatives underscores the critical importance of retrofitting commercial spaces to achieve a net zero emissions city by 2040.

The Retrofit Melbourne plan exemplifies how cities can spearhead sustainability efforts through innovative retrofitting strategies. For commercial spaces, this not only means reducing emissions but also creating more efficient, resilient, and healthier environments. As building designers and industry professionals, our role in this transformation is indispensable. By embracing retrofit design, we contribute to a sustainable future, ensuring that Melbourne remains a vibrant and livable city for generations to come.

Join us at the upcoming DMN event to learn more about Retrofit Melbourne and be part of the conversation shaping our city's sustainable future. Together, we can turn ambitious targets into tangible achievements, one retrofit project at a time.