Energy Efficiency Assessors

Design Matters National is the largest organisation representing NatHERS Accredited Energy Efficiency Assessors (EEAs) and Building Designers in Australia. 

Design Matters National is the largest of three NatHERS (Nationwide Home Energy Rating Scheme) Assessor Accrediting Organisation (AAO) recognised by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and maintains optimum Accreditation education programs for EEA members.

With housing reportedly contributing to 30% of all Australian carbon emissions, these Accredited professionals play an integral role in facilitating a more sustainable outcome in combination with design professionals to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and residential buildings throughout nationally and making significant contribution to the Australian Givernment's commitment to the Paris Agreement and the zero carbon emissions by 2050 target.

The EEA dedicated helpdesk, referred to as TechLink is available for members requiring assistance to navigate the technicalities of regulatory interpretation and best practice modelling to ensure informed and correct energy assessments. The TechLink widget can be found to the lower right of your screen.

We work closely with federal and state governments to advocate for, and ensure our members are supported to follow best practice and industry regulations. 

EEAs will find the following go-to resources helpful in their professional practice.

Use of NatHERS Logo and Trademark

NatHERS Accredited Assessor are permitted the use of NatHERS branding to distinguish themselves as exemplary Professionals in the House Energy Efficiency arena. However NatHERS have strict guidelines that must be adhered to regarding how and where their Logo and Trademark images can be used.

Accredited Assessors should refer to the NatHERS Trade Mark Guidelines (November 2023) before use of any NatHERS Trademarked image.

Assessors should note that all NatHERS images must be updated to the current 7 Star version (even in jurisdictions that have not yet adopted NCC 2022 7 Star provisions). The current 7 Star version must replace any historic, outdated NatHERS Trademark images.

According to NatHERS Protocol, Assessors must seek permission from their AAO prior to using any NatHERS Trademark image.

NatHERS Technical Notes and Assessor Handbook

Coming into effect from 1 May 2024 will the the NatHERS Technical Note May 2024. NatHERS have also released the Whole of Home Handbook (March 2024) and the NatHERS Assessor Handbook, March 2024 to be read in conjunction with the NatHERS Technical Note October 2023.

A useful additional resource is the ABCB 2022 NatHERS Heating and Cooling Load Limits Standard.

For those projects that are eligible to be assessed under NCC 2019 provisions, We have attached the NatHERS link of the new  Assessors Handbook (2019) for you. This is a useful publication which explains the application of the NatHERS Technical Note (2019).

National Construction Code Housing Energy Efficiency Handbook 2023

The Housing Energy Efficiency Handbook assists in understanding the energy efficiency provisions in NCC Volume Two that apply to houses. 

It addresses issues in generic terms and is not a document that sets out specific compliance advice for developing solutions to comply with the requirements in the NCC. This handbook is intended to guide readers in developing solutions relevant to specific situations in accordance with the generic principles and criteria.

ABCB Apartment Energy Efficiency Handbook

This handbook provides guidance on the energy efficiency requirements for Class 2 apartment buildings. It also complements the Housing Energy Efficiency Handbook. Together, these handbooks are intended to help you understand and comply with the latest requirements for energy efficiency.

ABCB NCC 2022 Energy Efficiency Resources

With so many amendments and additional requirements under NCC 2022 provisions, Designers and Assessors need easy access to all available tools and resources.

The ABCB have compiled an extensive list of links to tools, calculators and resources which can be found on the ABCB website here for ease of access.

Assessments in NSW

All Assessments carried out in NSW must be submitted via the BASIX tool. You will require to register on the NSW Planning Portal to access the BASIX lodgement platform.

You will also need to familiarise yourself with the  BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocol. The current BASIX Thermal Comfort Protocol 2024 has been updated and became effective on 7 June 2024.

Energy Efficiency Assessor Code of Conduct

All Accredited EEAs have agreed to uphold the professional standards outlined in the EEA Code of Conduct. Click here to view our EEA Code of Conduct,

Assessor Upskill Now Masterclass

This industry leading education program has been specifically developed to help Assessors overcome persistent skills gaps identified in the Quality Assurance Review process. Learn about DMN’s Upskill Now CPD Masterclass here.

Continuing Professional Development

To maintain annual Accreditation renewal, all Accredited EEAs are required to engage with minimum annual CPD activities. View our Energy Efficiency Assessor Continuing Professional Development Guidelines here,

Assessor Quality Assurance

As a NatHERS Accredited Assessor Accrediting Organisation (AAO), DMN are required to undertake regular Quality Assurance reviews of all its Accredited EEA members. This ensures accurate, reliable, consistent and repeatable NatHERS Assessments across the country. It also helps identify skills gaps where additional support, training and CPD are required. View our EEA Quality Assurance and Upskill Now procedure here,

Complaints Against Assessors

As a NatHERS Accredited AAO, DMN provide the Complaints against Accredited Energy Efficiency Assessor's procedure. This procedure can be used by Industry Professionals or members of the public when there are concerns about the conduct of a DMN Accredited EEA.

Thinking of becoming an accredited Energy Efficiency Assessor with Design Matters National? 

There are many benefits to becoming an Accredited Energy Efficiency Assessor (EEA) with Design Matters National. Our Accredited Assessors are industry trusted and provided with ongoing support, education and communication to ensure our Assessors are up to date with the latest industry and compliance requirements as well as participating in Quality Assurance processes which seek to maintain high level of integrity of assessors. As part of our membership you also receive a range of other benefits including:

  • Prompt technical support desk service via the TechLink widget you will see to the bottom right of each page on the website.
  • Extensive Technical FAQ Knowledge Base that is available 24/7.
  • Dedicated personnel to respond to and action matters impacting EEAs.
  • Access to tailored Continuing Professional Development
  • Bi-Weekly e-news communications keeping you up to date with the latest in policy and industry
  • Quarterly Intersect publication for great feature articles and interviews
  • Opportunities to become involved in your industry through a range of activities or committees
  • Great member offers from our partners

Accreditation is for individuals. For corporate entities, applications must be made for each individual ensuring they meet the below criteria. Most Assessors choose the 'Individual' membership category when joining.

How do I become Accredited?

You will need the following:

  • Certificate of Completion and Academic transcript of qualification in either of the below including software tool/s trained in. Not yet commenced studies? Click here to learn more.
    • CPP41119 Certificate IV in Home Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (Thermal Performance Assessment);
    • CPP41119 Certificate IV in Home Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (Home Sustainability Assessment and Thermal Performance Assessment);
    • or CPP41212 Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment (superseded)
  • Certificate of Currency for Professional Indemnity insurance coverage (Design Matters National recommends Webber Insurance who offer a product specifically for Energy Efficiency Assessors).
  • Membership with Design Matters National. Click here to join now. Note Annual Membership differs from Annual Accreditation.
  • Agreeance to read, understand and abide by the Design Matters National  Assessor Code of Conduct
  • Should you plan on carrying out Assessments within NSW, you will need to register for a NSW Planning Portal account. This allows you to submit your assessments using the BASIX tool where all assessments must be submitted in NSW. You will also need to familarise yourself with the BASIX Protocols that apply to all NSW Development and Building Applications.

Ready to apply? Existing Members Apply Here Join Design Matters National

Got any more questions? Contact us [email protected]